Elijah Wood Frodo Baggins, Ring Bearer |
Sean Astin Samwise Gamgee, Frodo's good friend |
Billy Boyd Peregrin Took (Pippin) |
Dominic Monaghan Meriadoc Brandybuck (Merry) |
Ian McKellen Gandalf, The Grey Wizard |
Viggo Mortensen Aragorn, Dunedain Chieftain of Arnor |
Rhys-Davies Gimli, Son of Gloin and Treebeard (voice) |
Orlando Bloom Legolas, Silvan elf from Mirkwood |
Sean Bean Boromir, son of Denethor II |
Ian Holm Bilbo Baggins, Ringfinder |
Christopher Lee Saruman, the fallen wizard |
Liv Tyler Arwen, the Evenstar |
Brian Sergent Ted Sandyman, mill owner |
Cate Blanchett Galadriel, Lady of the Golden Wood |
Brad Dourif Wormtongue, advisor to Theoden |
Andy Serkis Gollum, aka Smeagol (voice) |
Bernard Hill Theoden, King of Rohan |
Hugo Weaving Elrond, Master of Rivendell |
Miranda Otto Eowyn, Lady of Rohan |
Craig Parker Haldir, Elf of Lothlorien |
Marton Csokas Celeborn, Lord of the Golden Wood |
David Wenham Faramir |
Karl Urban Eomer |
John Leigh Hama |
Nathaniel Lees Ugluk |
Bruce Spence Mouth of Sauron |
Robyn Malcolm Morwen |
Mark Ferguson Gil Galad |
Stephen Ure Gorbag |
Sarah McLeod Rosie Cotton |
John Noble Denethor |
Bruce Hopkins Gamling |
Harry Sinclair Isildur |
Jay Laga'aia UNKNOWN |
Alexandra Astin Elanor Gamgee |
Timothy Bartlett a Hobbit |